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Why Licensed Professionals Should Take Over Your DIY Foundation

The first step to building a new structure or addition is preparing and laying the foundation. This is the most important part of the construction process due to the responsibility to hold and withstand the elements and the heavy structure resting on top. An improper foundation can lead to concrete cracks, water leaks, and other structural problems. General excavating services allow professionals to take over your DIY project to ensure quality and safety is maintained for the project and the workers as well. Excavation may seem very straightforward, but it is more detailed and dangerous than one might think. Let’s take a look at the reasons why an excavating contractor might be the best choice for foundational work.

What is a Foundation?

A foundation is a portion of a structure designed to distribute the weight from load-bearing walls to soil or bedrock and maintain the weight of the structure. Any business, home, or large free-standing structure should be started with a quality foundation to avoid sinking, leaking, or collapsing of key structural pieces. Outside of structural support, the foundation serves other purposes. A solid foundation protects more malleable materials like wood from softening due to moisture infiltrating the structure. Insulation is another important aspect of a foundation. The foundation serves as a layer of insulation from the deep ground temperatures that can influence the temperature inside the building. Natural erosion due to external factors like weather, earthquakes, traffic, and much more is prevented by the foundation holding the structure in place.

Common Failures of Foundations

Foundations should be able to last multiple decades and even multiple generations of families living under the roof. However, some foundations are not as sturdy as they could be, leading to a variety of issues. A common mistake that occurs with inexperienced contractors or DIY’ers is rushing the project. A foundation undergoes a curing process after the concrete is laid down. If people are in a hurry, they might start the next stage of the process before the foundation is cured which results in soft points, or ignore utilizing plastic to trap moisture on the surface. Another common mistake occurs during the pouring of the concrete. The concrete must be laid all out once to avoid seams from developing within the foundation which turns your base into two uneven, disconnected parts. Lastly, the backfill around the foundation may be prone to holding too much water. Non-organic matter a large amount of water that can surround and absorb into the foundation. This absorption causes leaks and cracks.

The Dangers of Excavation

If you are a homeowner or business owner who just finished up all the permits and gathering your equipment, there are some points to be aware of that can make excavation very dangerous. The obvious concern is what happens in the event that a wall or a trench collapse during the digging process. A person could be fully or partially buried and lose circulation which will result in restricted breathing. You don’t have to be fully buried to lose circulation. The pressure from collapsed dirt is very high and can cut the circulation off quickly. The process creates a lot of foul debris that can irritate your eyes, lungs, and sinuses. Proper breathing apparatuses need to be worn to avoid inhaling toxic irritants. It is important to be mindful of underground power lines and overhead power lines. When digging, underground power lines need to be avoided to allow for a clean digging process and avoid an accident that can cause injury or setbacks for your project. Overhead power lines need to be accounted for when working with heavy machinery that has hydraulic buckets that could clip a power line laying overhead. Proper bracing is important to avoid any collapsing of a put which can put yourself or equipment flipped over and taking quite a spill.



Hi, my name is Tyler King.

I’m just a regular guy from Michigan who takes pride in his work. I guarantee the lowest prices possible for the highest level of quality excavating services work

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