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Keeping Your Pond Clean Without A Filter

A cost-efficient and all-season solution for pond cleanliness don’t have to include a filter. Pond filters can be quite costly and temperamental depending on the current climate. There are pond maintenance and design best practices that can serve as an alternative, natural ways to keep your pond clean without a filter present. Here are some of the common best practices to work into your maintenance plan or ask pond cleanout services about.

If your pond or water garden has fish present, be sure you don’t overstock the pond with too many fish. Fish eat a lot of food and like all animals, produce waste after the fact. The limitation of food, waste, and fish in the water will provide a lot more room for the water to run purely without any bi-products or chemicals resting inside of it. Without a filter, the water-stock ratio needs to be a lot more in favor of the water.

Overfeeding ties into overstocking quite nicely. With the fish you do decide to keep in your pond, it is best to not overfeed them. The less unnecessary products you put into your pond, including food, will help keep the pond in its natural, cleaner state. Your fish need a certain amount of food only. It is best to not exceed that to limit waste and food resting at the bottom as mentioned previously. Another thing to note is the type of food you are giving them. Some foods have more chemicals than others, so keep that in mind as well.

Change Your Water Regularly
No filter means that your water has to be changed more frequently. It is important to change your water to clean out any fish waste, algae, dead fish, and plants. All these leftover materials can produce ammonia which clouds your pond easily. Ornaments and decorations should be looked at as well. Be mindful of the material they are made with and make sure they are clean without chipping off into the pond.

UV Sterilizer
Algae flourishes when a great deal of sunlight is present. Algae is vegetation that multiplies rapidly and can easily suffocate fish and planets. The odor is not quite welcoming either. A UV sterilizer helps removes partial sunlight from the water to keep algae away without jeopardizing any plant or fish life in the pond.

Pond Dye
Similar to UV Sterilizer, pond dye can be used as another form of a sun-blocking agent in the battle against algae. As mentioned previously, algae need a lot of sunlight to produce and multiply. Pond dye acts as a shield from sunlight to prevent it from penetrating the pond.

The Correct Plants
The right underwater plants should naturally filter out the water from poisonous substances and fish waste. Plants evolved to serve this purpose, so it is only right to put them in the right situations where their natural abilities can be used. Some floating plants can help against the fight against sunlight as well by blocking it similar to the pond dye.

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I’m just a regular guy from Michigan who takes pride in his work. I guarantee the lowest prices possible for the highest level of quality excavating services work

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